Kernel development setup with Vagrant
Developing the Linux kernel is cumbersome, starting from the very beginning. Typical development cycle of writing, compiling, deploying1, testing, debugging, and again writing is hard for any large project, but the kernel definitely stands out.
In this article, I want to describe a simple development setup that uses Vagrant and Ansible to setup two virtual machines to quickly test out code changes to the Linux kernel. This setup can be used by novice kernel developers to dive into the actual process quicker.
Vagrant manages virtual machines similarly to how docker-machine manages containers. Instead of creating VMs and installing the OS manually, one can use Vagrant to fetch and instantiate pre-made images. Vagrant will setup network, provide hostnames, and create ssh tunnels into the machines. All of this happens with few lines of a configuration file.
As a second step, Ansible will configure the VMs by installing additional packages, upgrading the kernel and kernel modules. In comparison to normal bash-over-ssh, Ansible offers clear structure, concise syntax, error handling and caching the results. The last one, I would consider as a killer feature.
Of course, the same features can be implemented in bash, but the programmer would need to put in own work. Bash is not that great with code reuse. To ensure that expensive commands do not rerun needlessly, I often end up with a bunch of scripts for different “stages” of the deployment process. Then, I manually choose a stage I want to rerun. With Ansible, I have a single entry point starting from the moment when Vagrants instantiates the system image.
In this article, I target my own usage scenario, although it can be adapted to other uses with little effort. Specifically, I develop a kernel-level driver and user-level library runtime, both related to RDMA-networks. The libraries are used by a benchmark, which I install from github as part of workflow.
The goal of this article is enable setup, where one can instantiate virtual machines from scratch using one command, namely:
vagrant up --provision
Connecting to the VMs is also simple:
vagrant ssh <machine-name>
The repo with the configuration is available on github.
For this setup to work, one needs to install Vagrant, Ansible, and QEMU. For my Debian testing installation, these included (but not limited to) following packages:
- vagrant
- vagrant-libvirt
- libvirt-daemon
- ansible
- qemu-system-x86
Ansible requires additional plugins:
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
I maintain source code of the Linux kernel and RDMA-libraries repository outside of this setup. I provide the locations of the repositories in the configuration.
As an optional step, I create a libvirt storage pool in the home partition, because my root directory has very limited capacity. Libvirt is a lower-level (in comparison to Vagrant) virtualisation toolset to manage VMs and containers. Roughly libvirt relates to Vagrant, like docker to docker-machine.
I created the pool as follows:
mkdir -p /home/libvirt/images/
chmod 0711 /home/libvirt/images/
virsh pool-define-as --name home --type dir --target /home/libvirt/images/
virsh pool-start home
Vagrant setup
Vagrant setup is very simple. After installing vagrant, initialise a new project in a directory of you choice:
vagrant init
This will create a configuration file, that I update as follows:
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.provider :libvirt do |libvirt|
libvirt.storage_pool_name = "home"
end = "generic/debian10"
# Disable automatic box update checking. If you disable this, then
# boxes will only be checked for updates when the user runs
# `vagrant box outdated`. This is not recommended.
config.vm.box_check_update = false
N = 2
(1..N).each do |machine_id|
config.vm.define "nadu#{machine_id}" do |machine|
machine.vm.hostname = "nadu#{machine_id}" "private_network", ip: "192.168.33.#{10+machine_id}"
if machine_id == N
machine.vm.provision :ansible do |ansible|
ansible.limit = "all"
ansible.groups = {
"master" => ["nadu1"],
"workers" => ["nadu[1:#{N}]"]
ansible.playbook = "provisioning/install.yaml"
Some explanation to config. I set the provider to libvirt, so that Vagrant uses KVM over libvirt, instead of VirtualBox. Oracle seems not to maintain a VirtualBox package for my Debian/Testing and the old package does not work smoothly. I explicitly request libvirt to use a specific storage pool “home”.
Then, I set the name of the image I want to use. This can be any image from Vagrant’s website. Pay attention, that the image you choose supports the virtualisation method specified before, libvirt in my case. Also, I disable automatic updates. This option comes with the default Vagrant configuration file. I thought it makes sense.
Finally, the config instantiates the virtual machines in a loop. The loop assigns hostnames, configures network and calls Ansible. Option “limit” allows ansible in parallel on different VMs. Option “group” declares ansible groups.
You still need to setup ansible playbook, but already now you can start the VMs using this command:
vagrant up
# ... or also to trigger ansible
vagrant up --provision
And connect to the VMs using this command:
vagrant ssh nadu1
Kernel code
There are actually multiple ways to compile kernel code: out-of-tree, preparing a deb- or rpm-package, or full kernel compilation. I want to build upon a recent kernel (vanilla master) and have possibility to modify in-tree modules, and even compiled-in code. Moreover building a deb-package requires the kernel repository to be absolutely clean of any files that are not part of the repo. This requirement was quite annoying for me, so I chose to build the kernel normally (just make).
Now, I need to decide how to deploy the compiled code into the VMs. It would be too slow to deploy code changes inside the VMs and compile code there. Additionally, this would result into work duplication. So, I compile the kernel on my host system, and then send changes to the VM.
Given that introduction, here is how I compile the kernel:
# Switch to my branch
git rebase master
# Resolve the conflicts
make oldconfig
make menuconfig
make -j$(nproc)
export INSTALL_PATH="$HOME/<path-to-provisioning>/provisioning/roles/rdma_install/files/kernel/boot"
export INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$HOME/<path-to-provisioning>/provisioning/roles/rdma_install/files/kernel"
mkdir -p $INSTALL_PATH
make install
make modules_install
First, I update config file to the kernel version, then I, potentially, set new
options I need, and compile the kernel. After compilation finished, I install
the kernel and the modules into ../linux-install/
I could save mod time of the kernel, and then check it after recompilation. If the time after make changes, then the kernel has been updated, so I need to reinstall it.
Ansible is an automation tool, that on surface replaces bash-over-ssh. In comparison to bash-over-ssh, Ansible offers enough convenience feature to make it worthwhile to learn a new tool. In its simplest form, Ansible will execute configuration following a YAML-file provided by the user.
To integrate Ansible with Vagrant, I create playbook “install.yaml” inside directory “provisioning”. Additionally, for my example, I use feature of Ansible called “roles”. Roles allow to organise common functionality into a dedicated directory structured in a predefined way. In short, Ansible roles work as libraries for programming languages. As results, the overall structure of the provisioning directory looks as follows:
├── config.yaml
├── install.yaml
└── roles
├── kernel_install
│ ├── files
│ │ ├── kernel
│ │ │ ├── boot
│ │ │ ├── lib
│ │ │ └── usr
│ │ └── ssh
│ │ ├── config
│ │ ├── id_rsa
│ │ └──
│ ├── tasks
│ │ └── main.yml
│ └── templates
│ └── hosts.j2
└── rdma_install
├── defaults
│ └── main.yml
└── tasks
└── main.yml
The topmost files inside the provisioning directory describe the playbook. File “config.yaml” references the repositories I use for development:
kernel_src: ~/src/linux-2.6
rdma_core_src: ~/src/rdma-core
Vagrant directly calls playbook file “install.yaml”:
- hosts: master
connection: local
vars_files: "{{ playbook_dir }}/config.yaml"
- name: Install kernel locally
- make
- -j5
- install
chdir: "{{ kernel_src }}"
delegate_to: localhost
INSTALL_PATH: "{{ playbook_dir }}/roles/kernel_install/files/kernel/boot"
- name: Install kernel modules locally
- make
- -j5
- modules_install
chdir: "{{ kernel_src }}"
delegate_to: localhost
INSTALL_PATH: "{{playbook_dir}}/roles/kernel_install/files/kernel/boot"
INSTALL_MOD_PATH: "{{playbook_dir}}/roles/kernel_install/files/kernel/"
- name: Install headers
- make
- "INSTALL_HDR_PATH={{ playbook_dir }}/roles/kernel_install/files/kernel/usr"
- headers_install
chdir: "{{ kernel_src }}"
delegate_to: localhost
INSTALL_PATH: "{{playbook_dir }}/roles/kernel_install/files/kernel/boot"
INSTALL_MOD_PATH: "{{playbook_dir}}/roles/kernel_install/files/kernel/"
- hosts: workers
vars_files: "{{ playbook_dir }}/config.yaml"
- kernel_install
- rdma_install
- hosts: nadu1
- name: Start server
command: ib_send_bw -b
async: 120
poll: 0
register: send_bw_srv
- hosts: nadu2
- name: Start client
command: ib_send_bw -b nadu1
- hosts: nadu1
- name: Check back the server
jid: "{{ send_bw_srv.ansible_job_id }}"
register: srv_result
until: srv_result.finished
retries: 10
delay: 5
Describing syntax of Ansible is out of scope of this article, instead I only describe what the tasks are doing.
I assume that the Linux kernel is already compiled and do not try to recompile it. Instead, I start by “installing” Linux kernel, kernel modules, and headers into the “files” directory of the “kernel_install” role. Later, this role uses the installed files to move them into the VMs.
I compile the Linux kernel on the host system, because that Linux kernel is a large project that takes a lot of time to compile, especially inside a VM. Moreover, I would need to the same large task twice, because I have two VMs. Luckily, compiling the Linux kernel is very easy to do on another platform: it literally has no dependencies, except the CPU architecture.
In contrast, rdma-core libraries are much smaller and have dependencies that cannot be ignored. Therefore, I decided, it is easier to compile the rdma-core libraries directly in VMs, without too much loss of performance.
After preparing the kernel, I let the roles run on each of the VMs. Finally, I have a series of tasks to run the simplest possible test to check if RDMA communication over SoftRoCE still works.
Next runs “kernel_install” role. The role starts by connecting newly created
As a first step, the role add corresponding entries into the hosts file:
- name: Install hostfile
become: true
src: hosts.j2
dest: /etc/hosts
mode: '0644'
backup: true
The host file is filled from a template: localhost {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ inventory_hostname }}
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters nadu1 nadu2 nadu3 nadu4
Next, the role install ssh keys:
- name: Copy private ssh and config
src: ssh/
dest: .ssh
mode: '0600'
- name: Enable ssh keys
user: vagrant
key: '{{ item }}'
state: present
- ssh/
Doing this on a production system would be terribly insecure, but these are VMs that are accessible only from my laptop. And uploading private keys would be even worse, so these are the keys that I specifically generated before and do not use anywhere else.
Next I install kernel and kernel modules:
- name: Install kernel
become: true
src: kernel/boot/
dest: /boot/
checksum: true
register: kernel
- name: Install kernel headers
become: true
src: kernel/usr/include/
dest: /usr/include/
- name: Install kernel modules
become: true
src: kernel/lib/modules/
dest: /lib/modules/
checksum: true
register: modules
- name: Display modules result
var: modules.stdout_lines
If the kernel actually has been changed, I update GRUB and reboot the system:
- name: Update GRUB
become: true
command: update-grub
when: kernel.changed or modules.changed
register: grub
- name: Reboot
become: true
shell: /sbin/shutdown -r now 'Rebooting box to update system libs/kernel as needed'
async: 1
poll: 1
ignore_errors: true
when: grub.changed
- name: Wait for system to become reachable again
delay: 1
timeout: 60
- name: Verify new update (optional)
command: uname -mrs
register: uname_result
- name: Display new kernel version
var: uname_result.stdout_lines
Now, it is the time to install RDMA userspace. This role starts by installing the required packages.
- name: Install all required dev packages
become: true
- libnl-route-3-dev
- pandoc
- docutils-common
- iproute2
- libmnl-dev
- lldb
- strace
- ltrace
- name: Download iproute2
src: "{{ iproute2_url | quote }}"
dest: "{{ home_dir }}"
remote_src: yes
- name: Compile iproute2
shell: "./configure && make -j2"
chdir: "{{home_dir}}/{{iproute2_version}}"
creates: "{{home_dir}}/{{iproute2_version}}/rdma/rdma"
- name: Install iproute2
become: true
shell: "make install && touch installed || rm installed"
chdir: "{{home_dir}}/{{iproute2_version}}"
creates: "{{home_dir}}/{{iproute2_version}}/installed"
I can install most of the packages from the repository, but I need a newer version of iproute2 than the one that is provided by Debian/stable.
Next, I copy, compile and install rdma-core repository I am working on. When copying the repo into the VM, I want to ignore build and git directories. Before compiling, I invoke CMake, then install the libraries system-wide.
- name: Sync rdma-core repo
src: "{{rdma_core_src}}/"
dest: "{{rdma_core_src_vm}}"
delete: true
- "--exclude=.git"
- "--exclude=build"
- name: Create build directory
path: "{{rdma_core_src_vm}}/build"
state: directory
- name: Run cmake
- cmake
- ..
chdir: "{{rdma_core_src_vm}}/build"
# creates: "{{rdma_core_src_vm}}/build/Makefile"
- name: Compile rdma-core
- make
- -j5
chdir: "{{ rdma_core_src_vm }}/build"
- name: Install rdma-core
become: true
- make
- install
chdir: "{{ rdma_core_src_vm }}/build"
After that I load SoftRoCE and SoftiWarp drivers, although, I did not find a way how to make SoftiWarp drivers work. Here, I call rdma tool form iproute2 package I installed before.
- name: Load drivers
become: true
name: rdma_rxe
state: present
- name: Add SoftRoCE device
become: true
shell: /usr/sbin/rdma link show rxe0/1 || /usr/sbin/rdma link add rxe0 type rxe netdev eth1
- name: Add SoftiWarp device
become: true
shell: /usr/sbin/rdma link show siw0/1 || /usr/sbin/rdma link add siw0 type siw netdev eth1
Finally, I install RDMA performance tools. This time, I use autotools for configuration.
- name: Get perftest tools
src: "{{ perftest_url | quote }}"
dest: "{{home_dir}}"
remote_src: yes
- name: Configure perftest
shell: "./ && ./configure"
chdir: "{{home_dir}}/{{perftest_dir}}"
creates: "{{home_dir}}/{{perftest_dir}}/Makefile"
- name: Compile perftest
shell: "make -j"
chdir: "{{home_dir}}/{{perftest_dir}}"
creates: "{{home_dir}}/{{perftest_dir}}/ib_send_bw"
- name: Install perftest
become: true
shell: "make install"
chdir: "{{home_dir}}/{{perftest_dir}}"
creates: "/usr/bin/ib_send_bw"
I keep all the sources in home directory, instead of /tmp, to keep these packages through reboots.
The main advantage of this setup, is that I can build the whole system practically with one command. Additionally, now the whole setup is automatised enough, so that I could, for example, run automatic git bisect.
Although, other usage scenarios will require to modify the scripts, this setup can be a starting point for creating other kernel development flows. For example, in future, I plan to reuse Ansible configuration to deploy and test driver prototypes on real kernels.
I will be happy for any feedback to my email.
For some projects, deployiment during development is basically a nop. ↩